Day 9 of 30 Days of Biking: Return of the Sorting Hat

So, if you haven't been keeping up with the ongoing saga of the Sorting Hat, it showed up on Day 5 in a drunken stupor and attempted to take up residence in this hole in the road.

On Saturday, Day 6, the Sorting Hat went missing. I really have no idea what happened to it or where it went, but this morning, on my ride to work, I noticed that it was back, and it found a mate!

I'm not sure if the Sorting Hat is staging some kind Occupy protest or if it just really likes living in a hole in the middle of an intersection, but there it is.

I fully expect to see some little hats running around by the end of the week. Perhaps this is some "Sorting Hat nesting ground" and they'll all leave once they've mated and have a brood to raise? I'll provide updates as they come in. We'll see what the situation is after I ride home tonight.

In the meantime, once again, it is absolutely beautiful out. I didn't even bother layering with "cold-weather" clothing -- just a high-vis vest and some regular biking clothes. I really hope this is it -- no more cold snaps. So far, I've ridden to work 2 days in a row and I'm shooting for number 3 tomorrow. Ride on!


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